Your Future British Airways Flights May Be Powered By Garbage

See on - Alain Renaudin A new production plant will soon crank out jet fuel made from trash. As airlines seek to lower their carbon footprint and cities struggle with growing... Alain Renaudin's insight: After Qatar's gas plane, Airbus' E-Fan, the solar impulse ... here comes the Garbage Air, where the circular economy ... Continue reading Your Future British Airways Flights May Be Powered By Garbage

French pride in their regional identity

- NewCorp Conseil's major national survey - The territorial reform desired by the Prime Minister (abolition of the general councils and division of the number of regions by two) will be difficult. Beyond the elected representatives who are already mobilising, it is the whole of the French population who declare themselves attached to their regional identity. Between accounting mathematics and identity ... Continue reading La fierté d’appartenance régionale des Français

The TOPDESREGIONS - Results available

  TOPDESREGIONS barometer 2014 - RESULTS AVAILABLE. Regions (also) have become brands. Territorial marketing, local economic development, attractiveness, ecosystem, ... the subject is topical: territories are at the heart of the issues, and of investments. The regions are not only administrative levels, they have become an essential stakeholder in the dynamism, animation and development of ... Continue reading Le TOPDESREGIONS – Résultats disponibles

THANK YOU! Biomimicry Conference, 13 March, Maison de la Chimie

-> The conference on Biomimicry that you should not have missed! A success thanks to you! I would like to thank you sincerely for your very large attendance (nearly 250), your encouragement and your thanks. Thank you to all the speakers (15!) for the high quality and interest of their comments, and for their diversity. This is also what it is all about ... Continue reading MERCI !! Biomimétisme Conférence, 13 mars, Maison de la Chimie

5 Ways To Inspire And Encourage Everyone You Work With

See on - Alain Renaudin You have an all-star team and vision for miles--What's missing? Bring your focus back to your people's potential with these tips from the authors of... Alain Renaudin's insight: Breaking out of silos to innovate is also about breaking out of your own thinking patterns, which often put your thinking on autopilot. Continue reading 5 Ways To Inspire And Encourage Everyone You Work With

200 times stronger glass inspired by seashells | Newsroom - McGill University

See on - Alain Renaudin Alain Renaudin's insight: 200 times stronger glass inspired by shells. A team of engineers from McGill University led by Professor Francois Barthelat has been inspired by seashells to make glass 200 times stronger. "Observing the natural world can clearly lead to improved man-made designs," Barthelat said. ... Continue reading Un verre 200 fois plus résistant en s’inspirant des coquillages | Newsroom – McGill University

Why hydrogen is back in the game

See on - Alain Renaudin The promise of clean, abundant energy has not yet been fulfilled. But the automotive industry is beginning to believe in it, and hydrogen is... Alain Renaudin's insight: ... Hydrogen and Biomimicry: extract from the article ... "We are talking about artificial photosynthesis, because we would convert solar energy into hydrogen with a single cell ... Continue reading Pourquoi l’hydrogène revient dans la course

Science of Bioinspiration Is Spreading, But Lacks Commercial Teeth | Xconomy

See on - Alain Renaudin Can innovators learn anything about sustainability from the minimalist lifestyle of a two-toed sloth? This question occurred to me Wednesday during the Fou Alain Renaudin's insight: This article written at the end of the "Fourth Annual Bioinspiration Conference" last November in San Diego sums up quite well what biomimicry has done for the ... Continue reading Science of Bioinspiration Is Spreading, But Lacks Commercial Teeth | Xconomy

Swiss drone takes inspiration from insects to avoid mid-air collisions

See on - Alain Renaudin One of the most important issues in the design of drones is the problem of mid-air collisions. Swiss engineers have succeeded in inventing a flying robot inspired by insects to avoid collisions.Alain Renaudin's insight:taking inspiration from nature ... humm ... that tells you something ... Continue reading Un drone suisse s’inspire des insectes pour éviter les collisions dans les airs

Personal branding, the future of man 2.0 ? | Le Cercle Les Echos

See on - Alain RenaudinAlain Renaudin's insight:Everyone becomes or wants to become a brand, in the age of the media-ego, this is not surprising. But conversely, and this is very important, brands also have an interest in becoming incarnate, re-incarnated, re-humanised. To be warmer, more emotional, more credible and sincere in their social commitments in particular. If ... Continue reading Le personal branding, l’avenir de l’homme 2.0 ? | Le Cercle Les Echos


The CEEBIOS, European Centre of Excellence in Biomimicry in Senlis, aims to create on the former military site of the Ordener district a set of complementary activities related to a rapidly growing discipline: biomimicry. In the spirit of a campus, the centre will encourage exchanges and cooperation between scientists, researchers and ... Continue reading Le CEEBIOS

> France >

> France > NewCorp Conseil 2013 - Alain Renaudin (... with Olivier Cimelière - HEURISTIK Communications - for the final touch :-) _____ Instead of made in France, I would prefer made BY France At a time of great economic anxiety, the temptation to fall back on protectionism is great. So the globalisation responsible for relocations would find its ... Continue reading > France >

On the usefulness of taxation

First edition on 28/10/2013 - Updated 01/02/2017 When taxes kill ... Income tax, vat, family quotient, family allowances, deductions related to high school and university students, local taxes, ... everything is increasing, everything is good to puncture. "The French must make efforts", this refrain repeated over and over again by politicians (of whom the public is convinced), is the only one that can be used as an excuse to make a profit... Continue reading De l’utilité de l’impôt

Biomimicry: the true nature of the collaborative economy?

See on - Alain Renaudin What if the collaborative economy wasn't actually inspired by Nature? This is the opinion of Gaëtan Dartevelle, co-founder of Biomimicry Europa and director of Greenloop. - OuiShare Alain Renaudin's insight: Since man has been man, growth, expansion, conquest, has been at the expense of the other, physically. The ... Continue reading Biomimétisme: la vraie nature de l’économie collaborative ?

Want To Find Brand Ambassadors? Start With Your Employees

See on - Alain Renaudin The 2012 Edelman Trust Barometer, a trust and credibility survey that collects data from more than 30,000 people, found that regular rank-and-file company employees have more credibility than executives.Alain Renaudin's insight:Several years ago, I organised a conference under the theme "your first customer is the internal". It is also your ... Continue reading Want To Find Brand Ambassadors? Start With Your Employees

Political inspiration suffers from the pre-formatting of partisan thinking

Why is it so difficult to renew oneself politically and culturally? The time of great crises, of great decisions, of great changes, must also be the time of renewal, of creativity, of gathering, of national unity, of the "project". This applies both at national and European level. Europe should be at the time of the Europe nation, not the Europe of the world. Continue reading L’inspiration politique souffre du pré-formatage de la pensée partisane


"Forward", to say "we still can" "Forward" was Barack Obama's campaign slogan, an apt and very contemporary slogan. More than a slogan, it is a call to mobilise, to energise, to conquer, to fight against defeatism and fatalism. When times are hard, the temptation is great... Continue reading Forward